22 March 2018
Tenute Tonalini 1865

Tenute Tonalini 1865 – Montù Beccaria (PV) Mercoledì 28 marzo 2018, ore 18.30 Drink & Fisa Aperitivo in Musica a cura dei produttori di fisarmoniche di Stradella e della Cantina Storica “Il Montù” Aperitivo in Musica nel suggestivo contesto di Tenute Tonalini 1865. Tra i protagonisti dell’evento, un parterre de rois di fisarmonicisti quali Giuseppe […]


Official presentation of Tenute Tonalini 1865

1 February 2018
Tenute Tonalini 1865

18 MARZO 2018 Via Marconi n. 10 – MONTU’ BECCARIA (PV) Our ideas take place in the Cantina Storica di Montù Beccaria, where wine is produced by more than 100 years. Tenute Tonalini 1865 is our new brand, with 17 labels: still and sparkling wines as result of our experience, improvement we have from 5 […]


Adesione al Movimento Turismo del Vino

22 January 2018
Tenute Tonalini 1865

Tenute Tonalini 1865 has joined the Movimento Turismo del Vino for 2018 also!   TT1865 will have a full committment in all of the events organised by MTV! First event? the important wine&fodd fair by Gambero Rosso at Nola (Naples) on 28th march 2018 *Ragione sociale registrata Cantina Storica Il Montù


Grapperie Aperte 2017

29 September 2017
Montù Beccaria

On 1st of october 2018, from 10.00 to 18.00 there is the event “Grapperie Aperte” Visit our distillery! An expert will be available to teach about the secrets of “discontinuo a bagnomaria” distillation for the production of different kind of spirits. Free tasting of fruits under spirit and still and sparkling wine of Tenute Tonalini […]


Anuga Koln 2017

22 September 2017
Tenute Tonalini 1865

  The italian winery Tenute Tonalini 1865 will present its wine catalogue to Anuga Koln 2017! Tenute Tonalini 1865 is located in a specific area known as Oltrepò Pavese, in proximity of Po and the city of Milan, and considered the most traditional in terms of wine production and styles in all of the Lombardy. […]


Tenute Tonalini 1865 a Speciality & Fine Food Fair 2017 – London

10 August 2017
Montù Beccaria

Tenute Tonalini 1865 sarà presente a Speciality & Fine Food Fair 2017 a Londra (Olympia) dal 3 al 5 settembre 2017. Se siete interessati a conoscere la il nostro catalogo è possibile riservare un appuntamento presso la fiera o in località limitrofe tra il 2 e 6 settembre.
